I’ve Moved!

Hi there,

This is a message exclusively for the faithful and awesome subscribers to teachingthecore.wordpress.com:

In short, I moved the blog to teachingthecore.com (I explained the move here), and the one thing that didn’t transfer over nicely was you. Yes, that’s right: the awesome list of subscribers from teachingthecore.wordpress.com is nontransferrable to the new site.

So this is just to let you know that I’m still blogging my way through the CCSS over at TeachingtheCore.com — feel free to come by and resubscribe!

Have a great day,


Happy 4th of July!

English: Fireworks

My 4th of July will be spent doing the following:

  • Contemplating whether this ridonkulous heat wave is being caused by global warming
  • Installing a broken door, fire alarms, bathroom trim, a dining room light, some doorknobs, and an Ikea couch in our new home
  • Playing with my girls (wife and daughter; daughter #2 is due in 8 days!)
  • Working on grad class work
  • Listening to fireworks exploding in the streets outside my house
Yes, that’s right–no cookout! No intentional viewing of fireworks! I almost feel un-American. 😉
Have a great day!

Vacation; Decompression

With the 2011-2012 school year over, I’ve got three objectives for the remainder of June, and I aim to tackle them in this order:

  1. Take my brothers (class of 2012 and 2013) and my hijo (Pablo, who returns to Mexico at the end of the month) and my brother-in-law on a ten-day road trip out West, including a 4-night stay in Yellowstone.
  2. Finish preparing our new home so that my beautiful girls (wife Crystal, daughter Haddie, and daughter in utero) can get moved in and settled.
  3. Continue learning the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and sharing that learning on Teaching the Core.

Have a great week and a half!